Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Depression Research Paper

Depression In this research paper I would be talking about depression disorder and the possible causes of depression and types of ways to cure it. Here are top five symptoms of why depression disorder occurs. †¢Loss of interest †¢Poor concentration and memory †¢Thoughts of regret, self-hatred, and suicide †¢Loss of appetite †¢Lack of sleep Depression is described as a mood disorder in which you feel sad sometimes, lack of sleep, having difficult times completing tasks during the day and other symptoms like the ones described above, it can bring down a person’s mood during any normal day activities for a long period of time.It also causes negative thoughts, become frustrated, and can cause you to commit suicide. Depression is a bad feeling like you feel like you’re going in circles in your mindset. Depression is a common in the United States and other parts of the world it is stated to be a very serious condition and more than 15 million people i n the United States has it (VIIBRYD , 2012). What do we do?A recent research study shows that vilazodone or known as VIIBRID is an antidepressant medicine that helps with the disorder but can only be use for adults because it has side effects that wouldn’t be so good for young adults do to health problems. By taking this antidepressant it can increase the risk compared to suicidal thinking and behavior in children, teens, if fewer than 18. Another antidepressant would be ABILIFY or known as aripiprazole it is a prescription medicine that helps treat depression in adults as an add-on treatment to an antidepressant when an antidepressant alone is not enough.It is stated that if you are an adult who has been an antidepressant for at least 6 weeks and are still struggling with depression, then aripiprazole could help in as early as 1 to 2 weeks (An-Add On Treatment For Depression, 2011) Psychotherapy can also be very useful in helping with depression. It can be very helpful for a dults or young adults with forms of depression. Psychotherapy can be used alone or in combination with medication. It’s also known as a talk therapy.The two main types of psychotherapy that are typically used to treat depression are: * Cognitive-behavioral therapy – helps to reduce depression symptoms by challenging and reversing negative beliefs and attitudes. * Interpersonal therapy – helps to resolve role disputes and to overcome problems with social skills and other interpersonal factors that may impact the development of depression. (Pristiq) I choose this particular disorder because I never knew exactly what causes people headaches and why people commit suicide.I feel depress sometimes when I have a lot of work to do and little sleep but I manage to work around my time and not let depression bring me down. In researching this disorder I have gotten a better understanding about the causes of depression, what it means, and ways to treat it. I can help others identify if they are going thru depression or have it but don’t realized it and can give them information on how to get help and treat it.Depression is a big mental disorder but I’m not going to let it bring me down or others around me. There’s always a way out and ways to cure depression disorder that is thru antidepressants, or psychotherapy’s. Works Cited An-Add On Treatment For Depression. (2011). Retrieved from ABILLIFY web site: http://www. abilify. com VIIBRYD . (2012). Retrieved from Viibryd web site: https://www. viibryd. com Pristiq. (n. d. ). Retrieved from Depression Treatments web site: http://www. pristiq. com

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

How does Macbeth and Lady Macbeth Change throughout the play? Essay

Introduction In the following essay I will be discussing how Macbeth and Lady Macbeth have changed through out the play and I will outline the incidents that take place to show how they change. Macbeth is first shown at the start of the play, through the second scene with the wounded captain and King Duncan, as a brave and loyal soldier. Everyone thinks well of him, and he is seen as a true hero. He is a brave and bloodthirsty. Then he meets the witches and hears their predictions that he is Thane of Glamis, and will become Thane of Cawdow and then the King. As soon as the witches disappear and, he begins to have thoughts that he really might be king. But the only obstruction is that that Duncan is still alive His best friend Banquo is there as well and the witches predict that he will not become king but his son will. After the predictions Macbeth I very confused he says to him self †The Thane of Cawdor live a prosperous gentlemen, and to be king† (Act 1:3:71/72). He immediately sends a letter to his wife Lady Macbeth telling her everything that happened. At this point Duncan declares Malcolm to be next in line to the throne, Macbeth is angry at this decision †the prince of Cumberland that is a step on which I must fall down or else o’erleap for in my way it lies† (Act 1:4:55/56) Him and his wife start plot the murder. Macbeth is confused and he feels weak at this point of the play he doesn’t want to carry out the murder But when he tells his wife, she so insults him that he changes again, and swayed by her, resolves to kill Duncan and he does, so he is pressured into it by Lady Macbeth. When he finally agrees he is determined to carry out the murder he wants to get it over and done with this is the quote he uses †Bring forth men children only, for thy undaunted mettle should compose nothing but males† (Act 1:7:72/74) at this time his confidence is influencing him. After the murder Macbeth feels regret and remorse for what he has done, so he looks at the blood on his hands and says: â€Å"this is a sorry sight†. Macbeth clearly feels regret for what he has done. The murder is successful and Macbeth becomes King Macbeth, his character starts to change into something more dangerous and harmful. He remembers that Banquo was predicted that his son will become king so Macbeth has to have him killed so when he is out with hi on he hires men to kill him, the men manage to kill Banquo but his son escapes. On that same day Macbeth prepares a banquet to which he invites Banquo but he knows he is dead. At the banquet Banquos seat is empty, Macbeth hallucinates he sees Banquos ghost on his chair and No one else in the room sees Banquo and Macbeth thinks that they are messing with his mind. Macbeth says â€Å"Which of you have done this?† and â€Å"Thou canst not say I did it; never shake thy gory locks at me.† (Act 3: S:48). Macbeth becomes ever more outraged and he starts to yell and scream at everyone in the room. Lady Macbeth senses that something is definitely wrong and she asks everyone to leave immediately. Macbeth’s decline is clearly evident now. After the banquet Macbeth is tied he says †as his host/Who should against his murder shut the door† (Act 1:7:72/74) at this moment his ambition to stay king is influencing him. He then revisits the 3 witches and asks them for more predictions he is angry and eager to find out what else the future holds for him, the escape of Fleance is still on his mind and he is scared in case he returns. The witches predict another 3 things they say to beware Macduff, beware that which is not born of woman, and beware of Birnam woods coming towards him. Macbeth laughs this off. He is not afraid of Macduff, he does not think that anyone can be not born of woman, and he thinks there is no way the woods can get up and move towards him. Macbeth becomes brutal at this stage of the play he has Macduff’s family killed he says † The castle of Macduff I will surprise/ Seize upon Fife†¦His wife, his babes all unfortunate souls/ that trace him in his line†(Act 4:1:149/152) his own ambition makes him do this. Macbeth notices that the prediction of the witches are starting to come true as he realises that the trees are moving closer to his castle he becomes to get worried, Macduff and the kings son Malcolm come back invade Macbeth’s castle. He fights Macduff here is where he finds out what the witches meant by ‘beware that which is not born of woman’ Macduff tells him that he was born by a cesarean which is not a natural birth. Macbeth I defeated and is killed. Conclusion So there are all kinds of changes throughout the play. Shakespeare wanted to create a character who did evil deeds, but was courageous and conscience-stricken, unsure of the rightness of his actions or knowing they are evil but determined to do them anyway. Lady Macbeth Lady Macbeth is the wife of Macbeth. The first time we see her in the play, she receives a letter from Macbeth talking about three witches and what they said to him. It reads that the witches have predicted that Macbeth will be the new king. At this moment Lady Macbeth starts plotting King Duncan’s murder. Lady Macbeth Lady Macbeth is told that King Duncan will be coming to stay at their place. She is startled by the news and calls on evil spirits to change her and lose her femininity. â€Å"Come you spirits that tend on mortal thoughts, unsex me here, and fill me from the crown to the toe top-full of direst cruelty† (Act 1:5:40). She is saying to the evil spirits give me murderous thoughts; make me have no sympathy for humanity at all. When Macbeth arrives Lady Macbeth discusses the plan with him but he thinks it is a bad idea, Lady Macbeth accuses him of being a coward and makes him think he does not love her. â€Å"Wouldst thou have that which thou esteem’st the ornament of life, and live a coward in thine own esteem† ( Act 1:7) Lady Macbeth says she can’t do it because Duncan reminds her of her farther. The plan is to kill Duncan and blame it on the guards Lady Macbeth drugs the guard’s drinks, Macbeth has to leave the daggers there but instead he brings them so Lady Macbeth has to do the job of taking them back. She seems to have no fear about the situation, but she seems to be a bit nervous. The next morning when they discover the King Lady Macbeth puts on an act and pretends to faint this make them look innocent. Duncan’s son’s flea thinking they might get blamed for it but running away makes them even more suspicious. Between Act 2 and 3, Macbeth is crowned King. Macbeth still can’t stop thinking about the murder but Lady Macbeth urges her husband to put the past behind him. She does not know that Macbeth has a plot to kill Banquo. Macbeth has calmed down towards the end of the scene. A banquet is organized by the King and Queen, by now Banquo has been murdered. Macbeth is acting weird and Lady Macbeth makes excuses for her husband. â€Å"Sit, worthy friends.† My lord is often thus, and hath been from his youth† (Act 3:4) are the words that Lady Macbeth explains Macbeth’s actions. The weird behaviour continues in Macbeth so Lady Macbeth urges the guests to leave. She fears Macbeth will say too much. After the banquet, Lady Macbeth is very quiet. She seems tired and worn out maybe it is because of tiredness or even more than that. In Act 5 Scene 1, we see Lady Macbeth again, but this time she has been through different moods. A doctor is called, Lady Macbeth is sleepwalking, she refers to her hands that seem to have specks of blood by saying, â€Å"Out damned spot, out I say! (Act 5:1) She seems haunted by what she has done. The doctor says to call on a priest rather than a doctor and to keep a close eye on Lady Macbeth. Macbeth is now ready to fight a battle, and hears of his wife’s’ illness which cannot be explained.. Since the murder the relationship between Macbeth and Lady Macbeth has deteriorated and does not seem to be getting any better. Lady Macbeth is dead. Macbeth feels drained and tells of how she should have died older. Conclusion Lady Macbeth is far more savage and ambitious than her husband, but we can see how weak she gets towards the end of the play, she has two sides to her witch stat to show. So she changed from a very determined and ambitious character to a fragile character he cannot keep the secret any longer.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Science and Technology as the Engine of Economic Growth and Essay

Science and Technology as the Engine of Economic Growth and Development - Essay Example The creation of factories and new mills heralded increased opportunities for employment of ordinary working people and hence was largely, responsible for the rise of modern cities. Manchester was arguably the world’s first industrial city. In spite of the fact that Industrialization led to the population rise due to unprecedented reduction in the infant mortality rate the childhood surviving conditions did not improve (Mabel,1926).There was limited scope of education, and many children were forced to work at very low wages and harsh conditions. Eventually, being opposed to the child labor, many reform acts were framed by the government to stop exploitation of the working class. B. The period of Industrial Revolution witnessed the victory of middle class industrialists and businessman over the feudalists. Moreover, the scientific Revolution of 17th century resulted in development of international trade and creation of financial markets enhancing accumulation of capital. People started thinking to raise income and earn profits by entering into new privately owned business and professions. The advancements in mechanization of agriculture, factory system of manufacturing with powerful machines characterized by division of labor marked a global acceptance to the capitalist mode of production commonly known as Capitalism. (Burnham, 2003). C. The advent of industrial capitalism especially in the 19th century widened the socioeconomic gap between the working class and the industrialists. Unfair distribution of wealth and power, entrepreneurs’ tendency toward market monopoly; economic instability, unemployment and various forms of cultural exploitation were other connected issues that eventually led to the transformation of capitalism to communism (skilling, 435-451). 1. Capitalism is an economic system where the means of production and profit earned remained in the hands of private owners.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Homelessness Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Homelessness - Case Study Example This was the only nice item of clothing she had and she was glad that her sister had outgrown it fast. Other wise she would be cold in her now threadbare pullover, the only other thing that she could say was really hers that she was given many Christmases back by some stranger who found her crying on the junction of Elm and Mel Street. Last week, that boy Curtis in her class had made fun of her look, again! He said it was jaded and unkempt. Well, he didn't know the half of it. At least she was able to shower today. She couldn't remember the last time she had a decent shower. She just used a wash cloth to wipe herself in the school bathroom so that she would at least not smell like the old torn upholstery that she always slept on. Her hair was clean today too. Normally, it was all oily and tangled. No wonder she had such few friends. Other girls at school were always clean, looking all prim and proper in their cute clothes compared to her. No wonder she couldn't get a boy to like her, she thought to herself quietly. Last night her mother was able to get them space at the Open shelter. She and her sister had been overjoyed. She got a hot bowl of soup and some steaming vegetables for supper and this morning, a mug of tea. But she thought the best part of all was that she got a bed all to herself that she did not have to share with either her mother or her sister. She had slept soundly for the first time in many weeks not worried about the cold or the mean looking strangers in the next carton house. She hadn't really eaten to her fill and she thought it hadn't been enough having had nothing to eat for two straight days. But it sure had tasted so good. She couldn't remember the last time she had anything hot, and clean, to eat. Most of the time she and her sister just rummaged through the bins outside restaurants. Two day old croissants weren't all that bad when washed down with some water. She then remembered that she might have to sleep in the carton house today and she frowned. Her mother might not be so lucky to get space in the Open shelter again today. It was by luck that she had managed to do so yesterday anyway. She would be sleeping hungry again today; there would be no hot bowl of soup like yesterday. Well, maybe not because something good just might happen. Like the Salvation Army would come by handing out packed food like they sometimes do. She thought about Curtis again and promised herself that one of these fine days she would punch him squarely on the jaw. She smiled at the thought of him just squirming. Soon, she started picking the small balls of lint from her frock, and for that moment she completely forgot about Curtis. Someday she would have all the nicest frocks and in different colors too. Pink was her favorite color. It was early morning and a lady going for her morning jog stopped by the bench to stretch for a bit. As she did so she took out one of those delicious looking power candy bars. As she watched the woman strip the cover off the bar, Sue could already feel the far off rumble in her stomach. The mug of tea she took in the

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Challenges and Impacts of Tobacco Use on Employers Research Paper

Challenges and Impacts of Tobacco Use on Employers - Research Paper Example It is believed that smoking in organizations is generally a very bad thing to do, the reason being that a lot of passive inhaling is done on the part of the people who are actually not anywhere close to the usage of tobacco. This creates upheaval amongst such people and they start detesting the very fact that they are being let down by the smoker community that exists within an organization. One should believe that smoking within organizational realms creates rifts. It makes the employees disillusioned with the fact that they are being treated in a very sordid manner. The smokers must not be allowed to let it be, as they need to be taken to consider what they are doing for the sake of the organization in essence and the negativity that they are inflicting upon other employees (Timmins 1989). The reason for understanding this phenomenon is that smoking in offices is generally not a very viable exercise and could succumb into different kinds of fights, rage attacks and so on. The peopl e who usually smoke at such dispositions are either unaware of the harmful effects that they are causing to the office environment or are very prone to what usually happens once they smoke in an organization. ... The arguments which are raised by different quarters include the fact that smoking is a very private affair and one must not comment on something to this effect at all. This is a pretty debatable point since smoking in organizations means negativities attached for one and all. And there are no areas of respite. The arguments thus generally center on the premise of harmful instigation which could be caused for the worsening sake of the employees at large (Devries 2009). In essence, smoking in business realms is fatal for the lives of one and all. It is an element of disaster as far as cordiality and oneness amongst people is concerned. It makes them feel awkward and helpless, all at the same time. Thus smoking in organizations paints a very gloomy picture of how things actually shape up in the long run. It is essentially intolerable to have an employee in one’s close proximity who is a die-hard chain smoker and who would be unwilling to give up on this bad habit. This employee would be criticized for his acts and at times, taunts would also make the rounds of his personality. On the flip side of the discussion, majority of the employees believe that the smokers within the office place are not at all less productive than any other employees who do not indulge in tobacco usage. This is because the employees who smoke usually sleep less and can be awake for longer periods of time. However they would smoke time and again when they are within the reins of an organization. Their direction seems straying, but they would not be misdirected by any stretch of the imagination. Some research studies have shown that smokers give in more

Ethical duties as an Entrepreneur (Is your good harm to others) PowerPoint Presentation

Ethical duties as an Entrepreneur (Is your good harm to others) - PowerPoint Presentation Example Entrepreneurship is not an exception. This paper will analyze the ethical duties of entrepreneur, arguing that one’s good does not necessarily harm others. To begin with, one might suggest that one of the most important duties of an entrepreneur which involved Ethics focuses on the necessity to think about the affect that one’s activity has on the stakeholders. Indeed, it would not be an exaggeration to suggest that one can hardly find an activity where the number of stakeholders is reduced to a minimum and entrepreneurship is surely not one of them (McFarlane, 2013, 51). In other words, it is an imperative for a person who runs a business to think about the impact that it can have on all the parties which are involved directly and indirectly. A helpful way to do so would be to create a map of all the people affected and determine the relationship between them and the business activities (Weiss, 2014, 13). One should point out that considering the impact on the stakeholders might be regarded as a characteristic feature of the modern kind of business. Indeed, in the previous times economic world in general as well as entrepreneur s in particular was primarily concerned with the profitability of the enterprise, the security of the source of income and possible ways to maximize the return of investment. However, contrary to that, at the modern times people acknowledge that they might have a negative impact on the stakeholders and are encouraged to refrain for it. In other words, a good entrepreneur will be able to set up one’s business in such a way that would not harm anyone. The next important duty which should be analyzed in great detail is connected with the necessity to implement ethical decision making process. One of the most significant aspects that are crucial for understanding of this duty is the difference between morals and ethics. Thus, the former is largely considered to be a set of personal

Friday, July 26, 2019

Does Teaching Kids To Get 'Gritty' Help Them Get Ahead Annotated Bibliography

Does Teaching Kids To Get 'Gritty' Help Them Get Ahead - Annotated Bibliography Example In this respect, the grit concept helps instilling life skills on the students. This helps in preventing students from becoming slaves to education. However, it is hard to establish the extent to which grit is a determinant of a success among students. This is because it is hard to assess this concept. The concept of grit enhances the performance of students. It works best for students like the virtue of curiosity and courage. Grit is also associated with risks. These include the academic mistakes students are subjected to, in their daily tasks. The fortitude enables the students to stay through the course with regard to their academic performance. This helps students learn and make appropriate improvements. In the long-run, grit becomes a culture, which is based on the self-drive and excellence. Students are bound to learn from the success and failures of other people, who have applied grit in their academic endeavors. It is true that grit helps people to appreciate and explore their potentials in their academic

Thursday, July 25, 2019

American history in 1800s Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

American history in 1800s - Essay Example That social reform movement includes education reforms, religious reforms, alcohol reforms, women reforms and literary reforms (Cobble, 2004). The person/event/ concepts discussed above are related to one another. Harriet was a person who was against slavery, newspaper was a strong platform to project the ideas of Harriet while social reforms educated the people of USA that all men and women are equal and there should be no discrimination on the basis of race, color, sex or religion. The triad is quite helpful in projecting the efforts which were taken in the past to bridge the gap among different ethnic groups living in the country like USA (Murphy, 2003). Fredrick Douglass was an American social reformer and a writer. He was against slavery and also escaped through it. He also served as a leader of abolitionist movement. He was well known for his antislavery writing (Harris, 2004). Jim Crow is a term which is used for the laws which were made after the congressional reconstruction. These laws were quite discriminatory for the Afro-American minority of the country. The law took away many rights which were granted to Afro-Americans during 13th, 14th and 15th century. Congressional reconstruction gave complete rights to the Afro-Americans. Their right to cast vote was also recognized in that reconstruction era (Chused, 1994). There is one thing in common all the three concepts which are discussed above. All three are associated with the major minority group of USA that is Afro-American. These events/concepts/persons reflect that Afro-American had fought hard for their rights through the history. The significance of triad is that reflect s the chronological sequence about the struggle of minorities in USA (Dougherty,

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Government Contracting Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Government Contracting - Coursework Example It is preferred to use a firm fixed type contract because its application is realistic. Parties get the opportunity to negotiate a firm target cost and profit that will ensure that the contractor obtains a reasonable share of the potential risk. In addition, the contractor will be liable for the undertakings of the contract considering that he or she assumes a reasonable share of the cost responsibility. In the cost-reimbursement contract, the government retains the greatest risk for the contract. In addition, the government reimburses the contractor a reasonable amount of expenses plus the profit. On the other hand, the contractor accepts the greatest risk in the firm fixed type contract since a target cost and profit is set at the onset of the contract. The main reason competition is preferred to sole-source contracts is the diversification of sources. In the sole-source contracts, there are limited number of sources; hence, minimal diversification. Such contracts are responsible for the inefficient allocation of resources or poorly designed contracts. On the other hand, open and competitive contracts are favored due to the diversity of sources that enhances resource allocation and well-established contracts that meet the interests of both the Federal Government and the American

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Law and State Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Law and State - Essay Example As mention in the topic, it was historically possible to regard United Kingdom as a set of unitary institution controlled by the ministers. The United Kingdom is a unitary state where the central government controls most of the activities of the government substantially. This is what the historical government of the United Kingdom was considered to be in history. This however changed in the modern context with devolution of the United Kingdom states, where there was a creation of new regulatory authorities and provision of public services. With respect to the devolution, law played a greater role compared to politics in holding the state to account, compared to the previous central government where politics had a major role2. Role of Law in Devolution Due to the devolution, the structure of public services in Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland is different in some respect. The law plays a significant role in this devolution, every particular region has both its own assembly and exe cutive, and a Secretary of State and administrative department based in the central government, both taking the role of the ministries of the central government in the region3. Even though the laws have greater roles in the devolved government compared the great role of politics which was dominant in the historical central government, the laws that apply in Northern Ireland and Scotland are particularly different from those in Wales and England. The parliament of Scotland has very much more influence in consequence compared to the Welsh parliament4. The Scottish government played the role of civil service for Scotland and has a social policy governing the state. The structure of administration of Northern Ireland is different significantly; the health board is responsible for personal social services with Northern Ireland Housing Executive managing the public housing5. In the modern context of the devolved government that was established after a simple majority referenda in Scotland and Wales in 1997 September. Because of the need for law to keep the state in check, the National Assembly for Wales, the Scottish Parliament and the Assembly for the Northern Ireland were developed by the law6. England was left un-established. This was added to the legislatures newly established in Scotland and Wales that devolved much spending to the shires and councils of the United Kingdom. The law was enforced in the states via the taxes locally collected and the grants for services provided such as fire service, the police, and the ambulance service under the authority of the elected local government7. Because of the major role played by the law in the devolved governments, the framework has frequently changed from the historical context where politics had a major role in the central government. Among the most important changes that took place with devolution include: the reformation of the Social Security Department of Work and Pensions, the transfer to the Inland Revenue of the income maintenance, the demolition of the Transport Department, the local government and the regional states8. The responsibilities of the key social policy were placed in the Deputy prime Minister’s office; these have been relocated to the Local Government and Communities majorly due to the role that the law plays over the politics in the devolved system9. Due to the role played by law in holding the state to account. The government departments dealing with the social policy were established in order to ensure the law presides over

Monday, July 22, 2019

Anonymous Research Essay Example for Free

Anonymous Research Essay Anonymous (used as a mass noun) is a loosely associated hacktivist group. It (is estimated to have) originated in 2003 on the imageboard 4chan, representing the concept of many online and offline community users simultaneously existing as an anarchic, digitized global brain.[2] It is also generally considered to be a blanket term for members of certain Internet subcultures, a way to refer to the actions of people in an environment where their actual identities are not known.[3] It strongly opposes Internet censorship and surveillance, and has hacked various government websites. It has also targeted major security corporations.[4][5][6] It also opposes Scientology, government corruption and homophobia. Its members can be distinguished in public by the wearing of stylised Guy Fawkes masks.[7] In its early form, the concept was adopted by a decentralized online community acting anonymously in a coordinated manner, usually toward a loosely self-agreed goal, and primarily focused on entertainment. Beginning with 2008, the Anonymous collective became increasingly associated with collaborative, international hacktivism. They undertook protests and other actions in retaliation against anti-digital piracy campaigns by motion picture and recording industry trade associations.[8][9] Actions credited to Anonymous were undertaken by unidentified individuals who applied the Anonymous label to themselves as attribution.[10] They have been called the freedom fighters of the Internet,[11] a digital Robin Hood,[12] and anarchic cyber-guerrillas.[13] Although not necessarily tied to a single online entity, many websites are strongly associated with Anonymous. This includes notable imageboardssuch as 4chan, their associated wikis, Encyclopà ¦dia Dramatica, and a number of forums.[14] After a series of controversial, widely publicized protests, distributed denial of service (DDoS) and website defacement attacks by Anonymous in 2008, incidents linked to its cadre members have increased.[15] In consideration of its capabilities, Anonymous has been posited by CNN to be one of the three major successors to WikiLeaks.[16] In 2012, Time named Anonymous as one of the most influential groups in the world.[17] Origins The name Anonymous itself is inspired by the perceived anonymity under which users post images and comments on the Internet. Usage of the term Anonymous in the sense of a shared identity began on imageboards.[14] A tag of Anonymous is assigned to visitors who leave comments without identifying the originator of the posted content. Users of imageboards sometimes jokingly acted as if Anonymous were a real person. The concept of the Anonymous entity advanced in 2004 when an administrator on the 4chan image board activated a Forced_Anon protocol that signed all posts as Anonymous.[14] As the popularity of imageboards increased, the idea of Anonymous as a collective of unnamed individuals became an Internet meme.[18] Anonymous broadly represents the concept of any and all people as an unnamed collective. As a multiple-use name, individuals who share in the Anonymous moniker also adopt a shared online identity, characterized as hedonistic and uninhibited. This is intended as a satirical, conscious adoption of the online disinhibition effect.[19] â€Å"| We [Anonymous] just happen to be a group of people on the internet who need—just kind of an outlet to do as we wish, that we wouldnt be able to do in regular society. Thats more or less the point of it. Do as you wish. Theres a common phrase: we are doing it for the lulz.| †| —Trent Peacock. Search Engine: The face of Anonymous, February 7, 2008.[19]| Definitions tend to emphasize that the concept, and by extension the collective of users, cannot be readily encompassed by a simple definition. Instead Anonymous is often defined by aphorismsdescribing perceived qualities.[2] One self-description, originating from a protest video targeted at the Church of Scientology, is: We are Anonymous. We are Legion. We do not fo rgive. We do not forget. Expect us.[20] Overview â€Å"| [Anonymous is] the first Internet-basedsuperconsciousness. Anonymous is a group, in the sense that a flock of birds is a group. How do you know theyre a group? Because theyre traveling in the same direction. At any given moment, more birds could join, leave, peel off in another direction entirely.| †| —Chris Landers. Baltimore City Paper, April 2, 2008.[2]| Anonymous consists largely of users from multiple imageboards and Internet forums. In addition, several wikis and Internet Relay Chat networks are maintained to overcome the limitations of traditional imageboards. These modes of communication are the means by which Anonymous protesters participating in Project Chanology communicate and organize upcoming protests.[21][22] A loose coalition of Internet denizens,[23] the group bands together through the Internet, using IRC channels[21] and sites such as 4chan,[21][23] 711chan,[21] Encyclopà ¦dia Dramatica,[24] and YouTube.[3] Social networking services, such as Facebook, are used for to mobilize groups for real-world protests.[25] Anonymous has no leader or controlling party and relies on the collective power of its individual participants acting in such a way that the net effect benefits the group.[23] Anyone who wants to can be Anonymous and work toward a set of goals a member of Anonymous explained to the Baltimore City Paper. We have this agenda that we all agree on and we all coordinate and act, but all act independently toward it, without any want for recognition. We just want to get something that we feel is important done[2] Anonymous members have previously collaborated with hacker group LulzSec.[citation needed] Membership It is impossible to join Anonymous, as there is no leadership, no ranking, and no single means of communication. Anonymous is spread over many mediums and languages, with membership being achieved simply by wishing to join.[26] Commander X and the Peoples Liberation Front A person known as Commander X provided interviews and videos about Anonymous.[27] In 2011, he was at the center of an investigation into Anonymous by HBGary CEO Aaron Barr, who claimed to have identified him as a San Francisco gardener. Interviewed following the attack on HBGary Federal, Commander X revealed that while Barr suspected that he was a leader of the group, he was in his own words a peon. However, Commander X did claim to be a skilled hacker and founding member of an allied organization, the Peoples Liberation Front (PLF).[28] According to Commander X, Peoples Liberation Front, a collective of hactivists founded in 1985, acted with AnonOps, another sub-group of Anonymous, to carry out denial-of-service (DDOS) attacks against government websites in Tunisia, Iran, Egypt, and Bahrain. Explaining the relationship between Anonymous and the PLF, he suggested an analogy to NATO, with the PLF being a smaller sub-group that could choose to opt in or out of a specific project. AnonOps and the PLF are both capable of creating huge Internet armies. The main difference is AnonOps moves with huge force, but very slowly because of their decision making process. The PLF moves with great speed, like a scalpel.[29] On September 23, 2011, a homeless man in California named Christopher Doyon was arrested and stated by officials to have used the Commander X screen name.[30] He pleaded not guilty.[31] Low Orbit Ion Cannon Main article: LOIC The Low Orbit Ion Cannon is a network stress testing application that has been used by Anonymous to accomplish its DDOS attacks. Individual users download the LOIC and voluntarily contribute their computer to a bot net. This bot net is then directed against the target by AnonOps.[32] Joining the bot net and volunteering ones resources for the use of the group is thus one way of being a member, a concept that is otherwise hard to define. The Pirate Bay In April 2009, after The Pirate Bay co-defendants were found guilty of facilitating extensive copyright infringement in a commercial and organized form, Anonymous launched a coordinated DDoS attack against the International Federation of the Phonographic Industry (IFPI), an organisation responsible for safeguarding recording artists rights.[33] When co-founders lost their appeal against convictions for encouraging piracy, Anonymous again targeted the IFPI, labelling them parasites. A statement read: We will continue to attack those who embrace censorship. You will not be able to hide your ludicrous ways to control us. Megaupload On January 19, 2012, Megaupload, a website providing file-sharing services, was shut down by the US Department of Justice (DOJ) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).[36] In the hours following the shutdown, hackers took down the sites of the DOJ and FBI, as well as the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA), the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA), and Broadcast Music, Inc. (BMI) using distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks.[37]Barrett Brown, described as a spokesperson for Anonymous, called the attack the single largest Internet attack in [Anonymous] history.[38] With the protests against the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) protests only a day old, Brown stated that internet users were by-and-far ready to defend an open Internet.[38] Although the actions of Anonymous received support,[citation needed] some commentators argued that the denial of service attack risked damaging the anti-SOPA case. Molly Wood of CNET wrote that [i]f the SOPA/PIPA protests were the Webs moment of inspiring, non-violent, hand-holding civil disobedience, #OpMegaUpload feels like the unsettling wave of car-burning hooligans that sweep in and incite the riot portion of the play.[39] Dwight Silverman of the Houston Chronicle concurred, stating that Anonymous actions hurt the movement to kill SOPA/PIPA by highlighting online lawlessness.[40] The Oxford Internet Institutes Joss Wright wrote that In one sense the actions of Anonymous are themselves, anonymously and unaccountably, censoring websites in response to positions with which they disagree.[37] Government websites Anonymous claimed responsibility for taking down government websites in the UK in April 2012 in protest against government extradition and surveillance policies. A message was left on Twitter saying it was for your draconian surveillance proposals.[41] Occupy movement Anonymous activists merged with Occupy Wall Street protesters. Anonymous members descended on New Yorks Zucotti Park and organized it partly. After it became known that some Occupy protesters would get violent, Anonymous used social networking to urge Occupy protesters to avoid disorder. Anonymous used Twitter trends to keep protests peaceful.[42] A similar protest occurred outside the London Stock Exchange in early May 2012 during a May Day Occupy protest.[43] Internet pedophilia Alleged Internet predator Chris Forcand, 53, was charged with child sexual and firearm offenses.[44] A newspaper report stated that Forcand was already being tracked by cyber-vigilantes before police investigations commenced.[45] A television report identified a self-described Internet vigilante group called Anonymous who contacted the police after some members were propositioned by Forcand. The report stated this was the first time a suspected Internet predator was arrested by the police as a result of Internet vigilantism.[46] In October 2011, Operation Darknet was launched as an attempt to cease the activities of child porn sites accessed through hidden services in the deep web.[47] Anonymous published in apastebin link what it claimed were the user names of 1,589 members of Lolita City, a child porn site accessed via the Tor network. Anonymous said that it had found the site via The Hidden Wiki, and that it contained over 100 gigabytes of child pornography. Anonymous launched a d enial-of-service attack to take Lolita City offline. Cyber-attacks and other activities The group is responsible for cyber-attacks on the Pentagon, News Corp and has also threatened to destroy Facebook.[54] In October 2011, Anonymous hackers threatened the Mexican drug cartel known as Los Zetas in an online video after one of their members was kidnapped.[55] In late May 2012 alleged Anonymous members claimed responsibility for taking down a GM crops website.[56] In early September 2012 alleged Anonymous members claimed responsibility for taking down GoDaddys Domain Name Servers, affecting small businesses around the globe.[57] In mid-September 2012, Anonymous hackers threatened the Hong Kong government organization, known as National Education Centre. In their online video, Anonymous members claimed responsibility for leaking classified government documents and taking down the National Education Centre website, after the Hong Kong government repeatedly ignored months of wide-scale protests against the establishment of a new core Moral and National Education curriculum for children from 6–18 years of age. The new syllabus came under heavy criticism and international media attention, as it does not award students based on how much factual information is learned, but instead grades and evaluates students based on their level of emotional attachment and approval of the Communist Party of China, almost in blind brain-washing fashion.[58] Israel In response to Operation Pillar of Cloud in November 2012, Anonymous launched a series of attacks on Israeli government websites. Anonymous protested what they called the barbaric, brutal and despicable treatment of the Palestinian people.[59] Syria On November 30, 2012, the group declared an operation to shut down websites of the Syrian government, in response to a internet blackout the previous day believed to be imposed by Syrian authorities in an attempt to silence opposition groups of the Syrian civil war Reaction from law enforcement agencies Arrests â€Å"| First, who is this group called Anonymous? Put simply, it is an international cabal of criminal hackers dating back to 2003, who have shut down the websites of the U.S. Department of Justice and the F.B.I. They have hacked into the phone lines of Scotland Yard. They are responsible for attacks against MasterCard, Visa, Sony and the Governments of the U.S., U.K., Turkey, Australia, Egypt, Algeria, Libya, Iran, Chile, Colombia and New Zealand.| †| —Canadian MP Marc Garneau, 2012[67]| In December 2010, the Dutch police arrested a 16-year old for cyberattacks against Visa, MasterCard and PayPal in conjunction with Anonymous DDoS attacks against companies opposing Wikileaks.[68] In January 2011, the FBI issued more than 40 search warrants in a probe against the Anonymous attacks on companies that opposed Wikileaks. The FBI did not issue any arrest warrants, but issued a statement that participating in DDoS attacks is a criminal offense with a sentence of up to 10 years in prison.[69][70] In January 2011, the British police arrested five male suspects between the ages of 15 and 26 with suspicion of participating in Anonymous DDoS attacks.[71] Matthew George, a Newcastle, New South Wales resident, concerned with forthcoming Australian internet filtration legislation, was arrested for his participation in Anonymous DDoS activities. George participated in Anonymous IRC discussions, and allowed his computer to be used in a denial of service attack associated with Operati on Titstorm. Tracked down by authorities, he was fined $550, though he was not fully aware that his actions were illegal, and believed his participation in Operation Titstorm had been a legal form of civil protest. His experience left him disillusioned with the potential of online anonymity, warning others: There is no way to hide on the internet, no matter how hard you cover your tracks you can get caught. Youre not invincible.[72] On June 10, 2011, the Spanish police captured three purported members of Anonymous in the cities of Gijon, Barcelona and Valencia. The operation deactivated the main server from which the three men coordinated DDoS attacks. This particular group had made attacks on the web servers of the PlayStation Store, BBVA, Bankia, and the websites of the governments of Egypt, Algeria, Libya, Iran, Chile, Colombia and New Zealand. The operation revealed that their structure consisted of cells which at any given time could coordinate attacks through the downloading of software; the decision-making process to attack occurred in chat rooms. The Spanish national police stated that this operation corresponds to the fact that the Spanish government and NATO considers this group of hackers a threat to national security.[73] On June 13, 2011, officials in Turkey arrested 32 individuals that were allegedly involved in DDoS attacks on Turkish government websites. These members of Anonymous were captured in different cities of Turkey including Istanbul and Ankara. According to PC Magazine these individuals were arrested after they attacked these websites as a response to the Turkish government demand to ISPs to implement a system of filters that many have perceived as censorship.[74][75] During July 19–20, 2011, as many as 20 or more arrests were made of suspected Anonymous hackers in the US, UK, and Netherlands following the 2010 Operation Avenge Assange in which the group attacked PayPal, as well as attacking MasterCard and Visa after they froze Wikileaks accounts. According to US officials statements suspects homes were raided and suspects were arrested in Alabama, Arizona, California, Colorado, Washington DC, Florida, Massachusetts, Nevada, New Mexico, and Ohio, as well as a 16 year old boy being held by the police in south London on suspicion of breaching the Computer Misuse Act 1990, and four being held in the Netherlands.[76][77][78][79] On February 28, 2012, Interpol issued warrants for the arrests of 25 people with suspected links to Anonymous, according to a statement from the international police agency. The suspects, between the ages of 17 and 40, were all arrested.[80] On September 12, 2012; Anonymous spokesman Barrett Brown was arrested at his home in Dallas on charges of threatening an FBI agent. Agents arrested Brown while he was in the middle of aTinychat session.[81]

The Role of in-Film Advertising in Promoting the Sales of a Brand Essay Example for Free

The Role of in-Film Advertising in Promoting the Sales of a Brand Essay ABSTRACT Introduction: Cinema gives a powerful environment in which to advertise. The film being shown virtually identifies the target audience and makes it very easy to schedule and buy advertising spots to match brand message to potential consumers. Better still, the audience is completely captive and in a receptive frame of mind as they wait to be entertained. A well organized media plan based closely around the films being shown can be a highly effective way of communicating brand messages to a willing audience. In-film advertising is very much alive and kicking. Hence we have formulated the following hypothesis: ‘In-film advertising helps in promoting the sales of the brands.’ Methods: The first method used was a Quantitative Research Survey. The sample size was 100 people aged between 16-45 years. The locations selected for the survey were Andheri, Malad, Bandra, Dadar, Matunga The second method used was a Qualitative Research Method, wherein, we segregated the people if their responses indicated that In-film advertising didn’t affect their choices of buying brands. The questions asked were in order to determine the reason behind this attitude. Findings: Our findings clearly indicate a very high percentage of the success of In-film Advertising. But also, a number of people also responded by saying that In-film advertising was a gimmick and they weren’t affected by it. Conclusion: On the basis of these findings, we can safely conclude that our Hypothesis has been proved right, i.e. ‘In-film advertising helps in promoting the sales of the brands.’ INTRODUCTION Product placements in films help a lot, as long as they are woven into the story intricately and are not just a random appearance in a song sequence. In-film advertising is akin to gambling. If the film becomes a superhit, the brand is saved. But, if the film flops, the brand takes a heavy dent. One bad placement can do more damage than 10 good placements. Artistic integrity is crucial for successful brand placements and the utility of the product has to be woven properly into the script. The placement should be a natural fit and shouldnt be unnatural. The best way to deliver the message is to catch the customer off-guard, when their rational defenses are down. The best way to do so is to use the emotional gate rather than the rational gate. The rational gate scrutinises the advantages, benefits, features and seeks value for money; the emotional gate is all about trust, love, identification and belief and in India, the films operate at the emotional level of an individual. In-film advertising heavily depends on the popularity of particular films, the actors starring in them and their credibility. The strategy of placing some selected brands in films, gives them an additional marketing push, even though the stars featuring them may not be directly endorsing these brands. The respondents of the survey that we conducted, mentioned that the brand has to have a certain character in the film, combined with certain attributes and should not just be a stagnant prop. In the movie Corporate, by Madhur Bhandarkar, the costumes were visibly sponsored by Allen Solly, thus giving the brand certain leverage and creates positive brand awareness among the audience. In-film branding may be one more paying alternative of marketing.  Once the brand gets noticed through the films it gets a status quo by itself. In-film advertising is a rather economical medium of advertising, compared to other costlier mediums. Brands have realised that movies are a great way to reach out to an audience which is captive for a few hours. Brand managers today realise that a movie finds traction across different platforms apart from cinema theatres, such as DTH, entertainment channels on TV and home video. So the brand continues to gain exposure even after a movie is released in the thea tres. Thus, the high cost of conventional media, accompanied by the growing clutter, has made advertising an exciting and viable opportunity for advertiser. LITERATURE RESEARCH DESIGN The research design technique used is the hyposthesis-testing research studies.As we wanted to study the relationship between the two variables used in the hypothesis, one being (influence) of in-film advertising and second (its effect) on promotion of sales of the brand. TITLE Role of In-film advertising in promoting the sales of the brands. RESEARCH QUESTIONS RESEARCH PROBLEM The past four to five years has seen an tremendous increase, in the use of in-film advertising. Movies such as delhi 6, dhoom 1, Don, Aisha , Tees Maar khan etc have visibly made the use of in-film advertising. No matter if the movie belongs to a big banner or a small banner, whether it is a thumbs up or a super flop, companies have vigorously used this technique, to advertise  their brands and thus increase their visibility. The question arises as to what makes them invest crores of their funds into this field, is it actually helping them to promote sales? Has it in fact helping to build up a brand image? And also, if ever it is not converting the prospective customers into customers, what is the reason behind it’s failure? RESEARCH OBJECTIVES The objectives of conducting the research are as follows 1. To find out whether people known what in film advertising is? 2. To find out whether the viewers are able to recall the brands being showcased in the movie? 3. To find out whether it is increasing the visibility of the brand? 4. To find out whether it is creating brand awareness? 5. To find out whether it is influencing their buying pattern? 6. To find out whether it is actually helping in promoting the sales of the brand? SIGNIFICANCE OF THE RESEARCH In – film advertising is not much talked about as when compared to other genres of advertising. This itself gives worth to research to be conducted in this area. Indian companies and marketers are now recognizing the importance, power and relevance of new media like internet and movies. Bollywood has been a part of popular culture and therefore, Hindi film trends, popular dialogues, characters, celebrities have always found place in advertisements. With increase in competition and media clutter, now brands are thinking of in-film placements and marketers are trying to place their brands in films In film advertising is not a very old phenomenon, it started with the movie TAAL, wherein coca cola was sublimely advertised. It is from then that the trend of showcasing brands in films was born. Research in this sector will help us to have a better understanding ,of , as to how, this technique works well for the brand, why it encourages the companies to advertise their brands with big banners, whether it gives the brands, much needed visibility and lastly if its helping in promoting sales of the brands. Research conducted on this particular notion, will help in forming a concrete belief and also will be an answer to all our research objectives. METHODOLOGY We have made use of both qualitative as well as quantitative method to conduct the survey. QUALITATIVE METHOD In this method, after conducting the survey we segregated the people wherein in-film advertising didn’t affect their buying pattern. We verbally asked them few questions to find out the reason behind them not getting influenced. Following are the questions asked to them- Q1. What according to you is the reason behind in-film advertising not being effective? Q2. Why do you personally don’t believe in it? Q3. What stops you from buying the products showcased in the movies? QUANTITATIVE METHOD Quantitative Research quantifies the data and generalizes the results from the sample to the population. Since, we wanted to know to what extent  in-film advertising helps in promoting the sales of the brand, to what extent it influences the customers to buy the featured products in the movie. We conducted a face-to-face interview. Sample Size- We interviewed 100 people. Demographic Profile: Age between 16 to 45 Both the sexes SEC A, SEC B,SEC C Educated residents of Metropolitan Cities Residential urban areas Location –Andheri, Malad, Bandra, Dadar, Matunga Psychographic Profile: Open minded and receptive to new ideas Attentive and observant Mainly movie-buffs Fashionable and trendy, out-going and social in nature. METHOD (TYPES) Primarily, we have made use of questionnaire method wherein other methods used are as follows 1. Structured data collection- We have made use of structured data collection, wherein we have made use of structured disguised. The reason behind making use of this method is that we did not want to disclose the objective of the survey been conducted because then there was a risk of getting biased opinions. 2. Method of Summated Ratings: The Likert Scale An extremely popular means for measuring attitudes. Respondents indicate their own attitudes by checking how strongly they agree or disagree with statements. We have made use of this rating method in our questionnaire where- in, we placed a statement, i.e. ‘In-film advertising influences you to buy the brand promoted in the movie.’ Response alternatives were: â€Å"strongly agree†, â€Å"agree†, â€Å"uncertain†, â€Å"disagree†, and â€Å"strongly disagree†. To analyze this scale, each response category was assigned a numerical value. The values that we assigned were, Strongly Agree=1, through Strongly Disagree=5 SAMPLING DESIGN Non-probability techniques: A non-probability sampling technique that attempts to obtain a sample of convenient elements. The selection of sampling units is left primarily to the interviewer. Under this, we have made use of convenience sampling. Convenience Sampling: Under this, we have targeted- Students, mall and movie goers, people on the street, Fashionable and trendy, out-going and social in nature. The reason behind using this method is that it is least expensive and least time consuming of all sampling techniques. †¢ The sampling units are accessible, easy to measure and co-operative. HYPOTHESIS- ALTERNATIVE STATEMENT- In-film advertising helps in promoting the sales of the brands. NULL STATEMENT- In-film advertising does not help in promoting the sales of the brands. FINDINGS GRAPHICAL REPRESENTATIONS FINDINGS OBSERVATION (ANALYSIS) The questionnaires that we gave to the sample audience included the above-mentioned questions. After analyzing their responses to all these questions, we have been able to get a gist of their attitudes toward In-film advertising. Firstly, it was very important for us, as researchers, to gauge only those people who watch movies regularly in order to conduct our research further. According to our findings, 87% of the respondents watch movies regularly and are movie-buffs and only 13% of the respondents watch movies occasionally. Secondly, since our hypothesis is based on In-film advertising, it was important for us to know whether the respondents were aware of this phenomenon. Therefore, 66% of the respondents were aware of what In-film advertising is and 34% of the respondents were unaware of this ‘term’. Further, it was noticed that even though, they were unaware of this term they knew the meaning of it, but were not familiar with the ‘term’ which can be analyzed further in the survey. In order to know whether the respondents were able to recall any movies using this phenomenon, we asked the following question: Q. Out of the following movies, which of them do you remember using In-film advertising? ↠ Koi Mil Gaya ↠ Fashion ↠ Don ↠ Dhoom 1 ↠ Aisha ↠ Golmaal 3 ↠ Wake Up Sid ↠ Delhi 6 ↠ Chak De ↠ Baghban In this question, we used aided-recall method. We gave the respondents a list of movies where in, In-film advertising is been used. Dhoom 1 was the highest recalled movie with 90%, followed by Koi Mil Gaya with 82% of the respondents recalling the movie. 74% of the respondents could recall In-film advertising being used in Chak De followed by 56% of the respondents for Baghban, 46% of the respondents for Delhi 6, 45 % respondents for Wake Up Sid, 40% respondents for Fashion, 23% of the respondents for Don and 15% of the respondents for Golmaal 3. Further, we wanted to know, whether the respondents could recollect the brand being promoted in the movie. Hence, with the help of aided recall method we asked the following question. Wherein, they had to match the brand that was being promoted in the movie. Q4. Do you remember the brand promoted in the following movies?( Match them accordingly) ↠ Koi Mil Gaya Reebok ↠ Fashion Motorola Phone ↠ Don Facebook ↠ Dhoom Lo’real ↠ Aisha Sunsilk ↠ Golmaal 3 Bournvita ↠ Wake Up Sid TATA Tea ↠ Delhi 6 Suzuki Hayabuza ↠ Chak De Nikon ↠ Baghban TAG Heur It was observed that, even the people who couldn’t recollect a particular brand being placed and promoted in a movie, could recollect it with the aided recall method. Therefore, 97% of the respondents could successfully recollect Suzuki Hayabuza being promoted in the movie. 88% of the respondents could recollect bournvita being promoted in Koi Mil gaya. Similarly, 79% of the respondents could recollect the same for Baghban followed by 78% of the respondents for the movie Aisha. 75% of the respondents for Fashion, 72% of the respondents for Chak De,69% of the respondents for Delhi 6, 60% of the respondents for Wake Up Sid, 40% of the respondents for Golmaal 3, and lastly 28% of the respondents for Don. Further, we discovered that 34% of the respondents agree that in-film advertising influences them to buy the brand promoted in the movie. On the other hand, 30% of the respondents have a neutral response on the same. 16% of the respondents agree that the brand promoted in the movies influences them to buy it. 12 % of the respondents strongly disagree with it and 8% of the respondents plainly disagree with it. Even though, respondents were able to recall the brands being promoted in the movie, did they actually buy the product? Has the brand recall helped in converting it to action i.e. buying? Our next objective was to find this. To this we found out, 64% of the respondents have actually bought a particular brand after it being promoted in a movie. On the other hand, 36% of the respondents haven’t bought it. Our next objective was to gauge the perception about the respondents on in-film advertising. To this, 27% of the respondents felt that promotion of the brand is the sole reason behind it being showcased in the movie. 13% of the respondents said, visibility is the criteria behind it and 60% of the respondents felt both promotion and visibility go hand-in-hand and that is the joint reason behind the brands being showcased in the movies. 76% of the respondents agreed that their perception has changed about a brand after it being placed in a particular movie. But, 24% of the respondents said it didn’t affect them. If an actor uses a particular brand in a movie; it definitely makes an impact on 63% of the respondents and to an extent influences them to buy that brand. But, it definitely doesn’t affect the rest 37% of the respondents. Q.10 According to you, since when has in-film advertising come into vogue? We asked few questions to 36% of the respondents who didn’t get influenced to buy the product placed in the movie in order to find out the reason behind it. The response and the analysis for the same is as follows:- Q1. What according to you is the reason behind In-film advertising not being effective? Products already have an identity created and communicated to the masses. Endorsing might ensure a few more sachets/packets/bottles moving out of the stacked racks but it isn’t like a beeline or an exodus for the product in question. Inculcating a brand in the backdrop and using it in the script  does not necessarily ensure cash registers ringing, it only makes a presence felt and then a surrogate mental association of the brand with the film/scene is involved. It might help, but it is very marginal, and in movies it particularly looks odd. If it is a cell phone or some a similar product then it is still alright. The movies showing products such as washing powder, bikes which doesnt make sense. By highlighting such brands or promoting the brands for the audience, surely confuses them as to what it is really meant for? It is done very well in Hollywood movies, where people will not be able to find out that they have deliberately put up a particular product. But in Indian movies, it deliberately promotes it and it does not augment well, and it is bad for movies also. A product placement in the movie should be in such a way that it has its own value or importance. Most of the times, the brand does not gain much from it’s promotion or any hike in its revenue generation. And what finally matters to the company is its revenue. So, in-film advertising in this way for few respondents has been ineffective. Q2. Why do you personally don’t believe in it? Q3. What stops you from buying the products showcased in the movies? Most of the respondents personally don’t believe in it mainly because they are brand-loyalists. It does not matter to them who is endorsing which brand or which brand is being showcased in the movies. Some of them are not satisfied the way the product is been placed in the movie. Also they feel, 30-60 seconds of brand placement in the movie is not sufficient for them to decide whether they want to buy it or not. Apart from that, this section of the respondents, do not watch movies that  often so it automatically fails in influencing them which in return, doesn’t compel them to believe in it. Thus, we had a mixed finding. Even though majority of the respondents agree with our hypothesis, they are few section of the respondents who have a different opinion and thus, they don’t agree with our hypothesis. CONCLUSION After a detailed study of the responses received from the research survey, our hypothesis proved to be true. A thumping majority of the respondents supported our hypothesis. Hence, In-film advertising does play a major role in promoting the sales of the brand. With this we can also conclude that in-film advertising is an effective tool to promote brands because it converts into sales and increases the visibility of the brand. In-film advertising is also a major advertising tool because it helps to endorse the brand with a celebrity, which otherwise is a very expensive option to consider. There are other advantages of in-film advertising. One gets stars to represent their brands, at a fraction of the costs. Moreover, films transcend geography, class and culture barriers, giving an opportunity for national and even international level branding. It also facilitates a clutter-free environment. Most importantly, films cannot be surfed, zipped or muted, unlike TV and internet. The advertisement catches people in a receptive mood and can be target specific. In-film advertising also helps in creating a favorable image about the brand from the consumer’s point of view, as the brand is being showcased in a healthy and entertaining environment. After carefully analyzing the responses received from the respondents, we also conclude that In-film advertising results in greater recall value as well as higher visibility, which helps the consumer to connect with the brand even more. The future of film branding is clearly on innovation. In this research we also analyzed that advertisements placed in films work well as the ads are placed according to the nature and background of the scene in the film which generate a very healthy background for the advertisement which in turn results into higher acceptability of that brand. while brand communication can be brought in to a film, it should be used in a selective and judicious manner and there should not be an overdose of the brand and its communication; otherwise, it would become boring, moving to a point of ridicule and seem forced. It should be used like a pinch of salt. For example, the bike- Suzuki Hayabusa used in Dhoom has given the highest visibility for the brand as the brand was actually being used in the film by a well known celebrity like John Abraham thus in a way, promoted. Such advertisements help the audience to connect with the brand along with reality. Brands get colored by the character using them and the context in which they are shown in a movie. For example, if a villain were shown wearing a Swatch watch, the brand would get visibility but perhaps not a positive mindshare. We also learnt that advertising in films helps the marketers to target their audiences, demographically as well as psychographically. Visibility of the brand in the films becomes like a long TV commercial for the audiences. Depending on the content of the film and its story line, a sketch of the profile of expected viewers of the film can be prepared and then those brands could be approached that could appeal to the targeted viewers. Most advertising professionals vouch for the fact that films, by virtue of being quite engaging, are one of the cost effective and effective mediums for advertising. Apart from monetary benefit to the production of the film from the brand owners, the commercial ads of these products promote the film throughout. One of the best examples is that of the recent film â€Å"Fashion† which had six prestigious brand placements clothing brands Kimaya and Reebok, Lenovo laptop, Sunsilk shampoo, Cellucom and LG Electronics. The production team earned Rs 8.5 crores from in-film advertisement alone, out of its total investment of 22 crores. Another example is the way Van Huesen advertisements promoted Ghajini, not only benefited the brand but, the personal image of Aamir Khan enhanced the trust for the brand. In the film,  Aamirs character was of a business tycoon, which added to the value of the brand Van Huesen, depicting success. The strategy of placing some selected brands in films, gives them an additional marketing push, even though the stars featuring them may not be directly endorsing these brands. Movies can enable brands to engage with different audiences and let consumers shake hands with the product. Given that cinema holds its audience captive, it is possible to make a product’s relatability quotient even more relevant and meaningful to the audience. Such a proposition when embedded in a storyline delivers unrivalled relatability. Further, an audience can be almost forced to sit up and take notice of a particular product attribute and see it in a new light. The recently-released, Aisha had a tie-up with Dior — the need being the lead heroine was portrayed as an elite damsel. It was a clever and convincing depiction to etch out the heroine’s character. In-film branding in fact helps to reduce publicity budgets of films by a minimum of 15 per cent. The low shelf life of movies has cut down theatrical collections; it has opened another window of revenue in the form of brand associations or in-film placements. Brands expect high visibility not only from theatres, but also when the film is shown on TV. A large majority of the respondents managed to have a high sense of recall to brands being advertised in particular films. In fact, many of the respondents enlightened us about many more examples of In-film Advertising. This shows the high success rate of In-film Advertising. All the objectives of our research, mentioned in the earlier section, have been achieved and thus, it can be called a successful research. All the findings just indicate that our Hypothesis has been proved right and hence, is valid. Therefore, ‘In-film advertising helps in promoting the sales of the brands.’

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Procurement Routes in Construction

Procurement Routes in Construction The main purpose of this report is to evaluate key procurement issues that the client has to consider in selecting an appropriate procurement route for the rapid reconstruct of three hotel building project. We have analysed four kinds of procurement routes such as traditional procurement route, design and build procurement route, management contracting procurement route and construction management procurement route. After the analysis, we have chosen a most suitable method to meet our objective, in terms of cost certainty, construction within the planned period and quality of the building. Also, creating a sparkling and luring environment for hotel guests in the near future. We too have considered the economic benefits as such if the hotel re-opened on time within the budgeted cost, we can also recover the investment costs as soon as possible. Therefore we have recommended the design and build procurement route for this project. Introduction In construction industry, many factors cause the results of the project. The right procurement route is one of the factors to achieve project successfully. In order to select best procurement route, we need to analyse clients background, objective, project requirements, technical complexity of the project, construction risk (cost, time and design/quality) and etc. Analysis Client Background Cinnamon Grand is a privately owned large hotel chain in the UK. They offer comfortable accommodation across the UK and are committed to preserving their rich heritage. They are very passionate about the outlook of their hotel buildings and they are experienced at renovation of buildings. But they have lack of in-house executive who is either experienced enough or enable to devote sufficient time in advising the reconstruction of their properties. Project Requirements As the hotel has planned to reopen on the 1st April 2015, we have started planning for the project on August 2012 and construction will be started on 1st March 2014. Lastly, the hotel will be handed over to the owner latest by 28th February 2015. Reconstruct in two phases Phase 1 Rapid reconstruction for the main areas of the hotels such as swimming pools, roofs, restaurant and guest rooms, which allows the hotel to be re-opened for business within a period of 12 months (from 1st March 2014 to 28th February 2015). Phase 2 Newly construction of some facilities such as health and fitness centre, conference and meeting, rooms dance studios. High technology multimedia facilities with air conditioning shall also be provided for conference and meeting rooms. During construction, good service will also be provided to hotel guests. Quality of the buildings is also important. The new constructed hotel must create sparkling and luring environment that can be enjoyed by all hotel guests. It has to match the existing hotel or even better which allows the former magnificent look to be brought back. Design requirements Design quality should at least match the existing hotel or even better. The tender document submitted by the tender contractor should include scope of works, construction methods, programming, management methods, availability of resources and costing. The material application will submit through template or sample and requires strict inspection and approval by client. Contractors typical design proposals require approval by client, due to client experienced in the renovation of buildings. Client requires retaining the ancient architectural style- rich heritage for the external features of the hotel Using green materials in order to lower impact to the environment. For example: using green roof. Demolitions works will minimize the damage to the building when using suitable method. Maintenance proposals should be done during the preparation time (from August 2012 to 1st March 2014). Good construction planning and planning should include safety, environmental and health issues and solution. Especially during the phase 2 constructions, the normal business of the hotel will not be affected by the construction. Hotel guests will also not be subjected to the influence of the construction. Client Objectives To complete project within the budget of  £120 million by choosing the best possible procurement route. To complete the building within the planned schedule. To enhance the quality of building and facilities provided, creating a sparkling and luring environment after renovation of the building During phase 2 constructions, good service must be provided to the customer. Analysis of the Procurement Route There are three generally accepted standard approaches to construction procurement in the UK construction industry: traditional procurement; design and build procurement and management procurement (management contracting and construction management). Different procurement route has different approach. Hence, we will analysis the traditional procurement, design and build procurement, construction management and management contracting. 3.4.1 Analysis of traditional procurement route The clients consultants will complete fully the design before contractors tender. Then the tender will be usually awarded to the contractor with the lowest price. Advantages Good design quality due to design completed by clients consultants. Client will choose the lowest tender price as contractors will tender based on the same information given. Procedures well known by both party Disadvantages Long preparation time, due to design fully completed by clients consultants before tender. Construction will only start on site upon the completion of the design. Client is fully responsible for the design risk Risks Lump sum contract will bring the cost risk to low risk as same information given by client. As for fixed contract date, the contractor might have the right to claim for extensions due to design or contraction issues, therefore it is medium time risk. As design quality control by clients consultant based on clients requirement, therefore it reduces design risk to low design quality risk. In conclusion, traditional approach is suitable for inexperienced clients or occasional construction clients and project without critical time requirements. It is not suitable for some large and complex project which requires advanced management systems, structures and skills. 3.4.2 Analysis of design and build procurement route The design and construction is undertaken by a single contractor for a lump sum contract, which allows overlapping. Design is not fully develop by contractor before the contract is awarded. Advantages Single contact point due to contractor is responsible on design and construction. Early start and shorter project duration due to design and construction is overlapping. Client can control project cost due to lump sum basis. Disadvantages Tender need to be awarded before design fully complete. Client has the difficulty to prepare the adequate brief. After the tender has been awarded, changing of design can be expensive for the client. Risks Lump sum contract will reduce the cost risk to low risk. Design and construction can be overlapping; therefore it is a low time risk. Design and build contractor is responsible for the design, if clients design requirement is not clearly indicated, then maybe it is a high risk for design quality. Therefore Design and build approach is suitable for all clients including inexperienced or client requiring cost certainty and fast track projects. Not suitable for complex or high quality buildings. 3.4.3 Analysis of construction management procurement route Construction Management, in which the design is developed by the Employers consultants and construction commences before the design is complete. A fee-earning consulting Construction Manager works for the Employer to define and manage several Works Packages, each representing a specialised or functional aspect of the project. Advantages Shorter overall project duration Clarity of roles, risks and relationships for all participants Client requires late design change easily due to contact awarded by different package Disadvantages Client doesnt have control on cost. Need a good quality project team to manage the project. Needs effective control of time and information. Risks Actual cost will only be known until the last package is awarded, so cost risk is medium. Because job is awarded by individual package, so does not has the main organisation to overall control the construction time. Therefore time risk is considering as medium risk. Project done by individual specialist contractors to reduce the design risk to low risk. Construction Management approach is suitable for experienced clients, fast track projects, complex building and not suitable for project requiring cost certainty. 3.4.4 Analysis of management contracting procurement route Management Contracting, in which the design is developed by the Employers consultants and construction commences before the design is complete. A Management Contractor is appointed early to let elements of work progressively as a series of trade or package contracts (called works packages). As with Construction Management, the final cost can only be determined when the last packaged has been let. Advantages Overall project duration shorter Client requires late design change easily due to contact awarded by different package Work packages let competitively Disadvantages Poor cost certainty, client will only know the final price till the last package been awarded. Need a good quality project team to manage the project Need a good quality brief to every works contractor, if not the case, contractor may not make client requirement. Risks Actual cost will only be known till the last package is awarded, so cost risk is medium. The total construction duration is a consequence of package selection. Therefore time risk is considering as medium risk. Project done by individual specialist contractors to reduce the design risk to low risk. Management contracting approach is suitable for experienced clients, fast track projects, complex building, and fairly large project. It is not suitable for project requiring cost certainty. Conclusion No procurement route is best suited in all circumstances. We can only base on the key elements and to select a most suitable procurement route. Time within planned schedule, cost certainty and quality of the building are the key elements we need to consider in this project. Both traditional and design and build can achieve clients objective of cost certainty. Management contracting, construction management and design and build can achieve clients objective of time within planned schedule. Management contracting, construction management and traditional can achieve clients objective of quality of building. Based on above analysis, out of 3 key elements we only can choose two most important elements as following:- Cost is the first consideration. Both management contracting and construction management procurement routes, the cost can only be known till the last package is awarded. But due to client concerns for cost overrun, they want to know the cost before project start. So both routes are not recommended. Time is the second consideration. Hotel must be re-opened on 1st April 2015. As only 12 months is given for phase 1 construction and the opening before the tourist season has a great impact on the hotel business, therefore traditional is not suitable for fast track construction. Design and build is well suited to warrant maximum price contracts and design and construction overlapping. This will involve considering return on capital investment, the likely benefits to operational efficiency or income flow. So we are not considering using traditional in this project. Quality of the building is the third consideration. It is generally felt in the construction industry that quality is the first thing to suffer in design and build contracts. However, the evidence does not support this. Quality of the building is the result of how we management the construction process. There is no correlation between procurement method and perceived quality of the product. After consideration, we will recommend design and build procurement route for this project. The appointed contractor is responsible for the design, documentation and construction of the project, based on the client project brief and requirements through lump sum cost. So the speed of construction is faster and the client will know the costs of the project earlier. Whether the quality of building can be achieved, it is depending on how well our project requirements have been defined and delivered. Project manager will be responsible for co-ordinated design and construction programme. This may considerably reduce revisions after contract award and minimise possible interferences. All team members must build up well communication channels, to solve the problem as soon as possible when construction is going on. Referencing John Murdoch and Will Hughes (2008), Construction Contract Law and Management, Fourth edition School of the Built Environment  © Herriot Watt University (2012), Procurement Contracts Task 2 Option A Discuss the liability of Alexander Contractors to the Employer for the additional costs that the Employer had to incur as a consequence of being required to employ a more expensive tenderer to carry out the construction project. Discuss the Clerk of Works power to issue a Direction as detailed in the given scenario and its implications on the loss and expenses incurred by the Contractor. Detail the possible claims with respect to the given scenario, the main facts that can be included in the claims and the contractual provisions available to substantiate the claims according to the JCT Standard Building Contract With Quantities 2005 Edition (JCT SBC05) Revision 2 2009. If you were the Contract Administrator prepare a report outlining your assessment of the Contractors claim including the process you have followed, the pertinent issues of the dispute and the contractual provisions relevant.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Living And Dying Essay -- essays research papers

Living And Dying   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Tuesdays With Morrie was an excellent book in many ways. It opened my eyes up to how I would like to die and what I would like to pass on to my loved ones. I don’t always tell my parents and brother that I love them, although very rarely do I tell my closest friends. After reading this book it has helped me be more open with my feelings. After all I will never know when I will die; it could be today or it could be in 70 years. I need to start living life like there may not be a tomorrow. If I do this, even half the time, then it will make me a better person. There are several topics of life that I need to start doing to make sure that when I die I feel complete.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  When I die I would like to know that I have done most everything that I would like to have done. Obviously, I will have some regrets but who doesn’t. I would like to make sure that my family is taken care of. That my grandkids have enough money to pay for college. I liked when Morrie talked about how people are always buying new cars, but all they really need is people to love them. Before I die I would like to make sure that my friends and family know how much that I care for them. In order to do this I need to make sure that I communicate to them. I shouldn’t be afraid to share my feelings. But for some reason it is hard for me to express what I feel. Although I’m working on it, it will take some time. My attitude on the baseball f...

Friday, July 19, 2019

The Human Brain :: Biology

â€Å"The human brain enables a person to reason, function intellectually, express personality and mood, and interact with the environment† (Sugerman, 2008, p. 277). Our brain is truly remarkable. Considering how much we still do not know about the brain just goes to show how complex and amazing the brain is. No other organ is like the brain and all other organs would be unable to function without the brain. â€Å"The three major divisions of the brain are (1) the forebrain, formed by the two cerebral hemispheres; (2) the midbrain which, includes the corpora quadrigemina and cerebral peduncles; and (3) the hindbrain, which includes the cerebellum, pons, and medulla† (Sugerman, 2008, p. 277). First off the brain stem is made up of the midbrain, medulla and pons, these connect the hemispheres of the brain, cerebellum, and spinal cord (Sugerman, 2008, p. 277). The brain stem is made up of nerve bodies called reticular formation, which is in charge of some of the mos t vital operations of the body, cardiovascular and respiration functions (Sugerman, 2008, p. 277). These two functions are done involuntarily each day. We do not need to think about breathing every few seconds or make our heart beat constantly. This process keeps us awake also. Different nuclei are responsible for different motor functions accordingly (Sugerman, 2008, p. 278). â€Å"The cerebellum is composed of gray and white matter, and its cortical surface is convoluted like the surface of the cerebrum. It is also divided by a central fissure into two lobes connected by vermis† (Sugerman, 2008, 284). The cerebellum has many functions, it is in charge of reflexes, involuntary fine-tuning of motor control and for maintaining balance and posture through extensive neural connections with the medulla (Sugerman, 2008, 284). The little brain or cerebellum, â€Å"receives information from the balance system of the inner ear, sensory nerves, and the auditory and visual systems. It is involved in the coordination of motor movements as well as basic facets of memory and learning, homeostatic control,†. The diencephalon has four major parts: epithalamus, thalamus, hypothalamus, and subthalamus. The thalamus is in charge of â€Å"relaying the cerebral cortex information received from diverse brain regions...Axons from every sensory system (except olfaction) synapse here as the last relay site before the information reaches the cerebral cortex† (Sci.uidaho, n.d., para. 2,3). The thalamus surrounds the third ventricle, it allows many sensations to be perceived (Sugerman, 2008, 283).

Memo Advising Outline of Marketing Communication Mix :: essays research papers

To: Managing Director of new airline company. From: Marketing Consultant Date: xxxx Subject: Advising on the promotional and advertising campaign outlining the marketing communication mix. People no longer buy shoes to keep their feet warm. They buy shoes because of the way shoes make them feel- masculine, feminine, different, young, and glamorous. Buying shoes has become an emotional experience. Business is now selling excitement rather than shoes. Since the airline company is targeting business persons and others requesting a very personalized treatment it should focus on selling an experience of complete â€Å"V.I.P† treatment in sophistication rather than a simple means of traveling comfortably. The Marketing Communication Mix Another one of the 4P's is 'promotion'. This includes all of the tools available to the marketer for 'marketing communication'. As with Neil H.Borden's marketing mix, marketing communications has its own 'promotions mix.' Think of it like a cake mix, the basic ingredients are always the same. However if you vary the amounts of one of the ingredients, the final outcome is different. It is the same with promotions. You can 'integrate' different aspects of the promotions mix to deliver a unique campaign. The elements of the promotions mix are: 1. Personal selling 2. Sales promotion 3. Public relations 4. Direct marketing 5. Advertising Let us look at the individual components of the promotions mix in more detail. Remember all of the elements are 'integrated' to form a specific communications campaign. 1. Personal Selling Personal Selling is an effective way to manage personal customer relationships. The sales person acts on behalf of the organization. They tend to be well trained in the approaches and techniques of personal selling. However sales people are very expensive and should only be used where there is a genuine return on investment. For example salesmen are often used to sell cars or home improvements where the margin is high. 2. Sales Promotion Sales promotion tends to be thought of as being all promotions apart from advertising, personal selling, and public relations. For example the BOGOF promotion, or Buy One Get One Free. Others include couponing, money-off promotions, competitions, free accessories (such as free blades with a new razor), introductory offers (such as buy digital TV and get free installation), and so on. Each sales promotion should be carefully costed and compared with the next best alternative. 3. Public Relations (PR) Public Relations is defined as 'the deliberate, planned and sustained effort to establish and maintain mutual understanding between an organization and its publics' (Institute of Public Relations). It is relatively cheap, but certainly not cheap.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Energy Needs Essay

Fracking or hydraulic fracturing is a method used to extract valuable gasses from rock formations in the earth. Some of these gasses include shale gas, tight gas and petroleum. In South Africa fracking is used to extract shale gas in the Karoo. Shale gas is a natural gas that forms when air is captured in rock formations under the ground. It is one of the main reasons why hydraulic fracturing is used. Shale gas is used especially in America. In 2000 shale gas made out one percent of America’s energy producers but in 2010 it replaced over 20% of America’s natural gas resources. There was claimed by experts that South Africa has the fifth biggest shale gas resources in the world while China has the biggest. There is hoped that this gas could be an alternative resource of energy for South Africa’s growing need. That is why the eighteen-month moratorium for the use of fracking, to extract shale gas, was lifted. Even though this could be a great opportunity for our country the damage caused to our environment would be far greater than the little energy it would produce. When fracking is used to extract this gas, water, harmful chemicals and sand is pumped into the fractures of the rock formation. Manmade machines mostly make these fractures that drill holes into the rocks over three thousand meters deep. When this mixture of the water, sand and chemicals reach the shale rock formations hidroxide gasses are released inside the rock. These gases are than captured and used for the generation of electricity. No one can say that fracking does not have a huge impact on the natural environment. Unluckily I am not too sure that it is a positive impact. The chemicals and toxins used in fracking are released into the scarce  underground water of the Karoo, making the water polluted and unusable. Harmful emissions are also released into the air when extracted causing a greenhouse effect on the environment. A study shows that 3,6 to 7,9% methane is released into the atmosphere after fracking has taken place. Even the use of shale gas causes air pollution. The fact that fracking causes allot of pollution cannot be missed. It was even banned in France because of all the pollution it would have made. Because of the negative effect of pollution on the environment, in this case air and water pollution, I can’t understand why such a thing was allowed. For me as part of a new generation it is more important to use clean alternative energy rather than to use short-term solutions with financial benefit just to cause the earth to decline faster.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Intro to Transportation

Intro to TransportationMarch 20, 2013 rapsc wholeion 1 of 1 Assignment 5 New Brunswick male monarch turbine As it does not clarify in the immortalizeings exactly what the footing of freight assigned were for the agreement in the midst of Siemens and NB personnel, I throw assumed that the agreement would have condition that Siemens specified that the contract was governed by Incoterms 2010 CFR- St John, New Brunswick, Canada. All right for jeopardize of going or damage, as swell as additional transportation cost now transfer to buyer essay writers for hire. Seller responsibility ceases once goods die out the ships rail at the port of shipment (not destination).NB position promise with Irving Equipment to deliver goods via hotfoot to power plant. The bill of lading should read FOB Destination. Costs and responsibility Rescue/Recovery of Goods from Water- Irving Equipment business NB Power contracted go with Irving Equipment and BOL say FOB Destination- damage or lo ss to the cargo up to the orientate of lurch to the buyer is responsibility of the shipper. Assessment and modify of Recovered Turbines- Irving Equipment NB Power contracted services with Irving Equipment and BOL give tongue to destination.Replacement/Repair of Turbines Irving Equipment. Responsibility NB Power contracted services with Irving Equipment and BOL give tongue to FOB Destination. Damage or loss to the cargo up to the point of delivery to buyer is responsibility of the shipper. incumbrance (Load Planning)- Irving Equipment Agreement with manufacturer had clearly stated CFR. As per description above NB Power did enter into agreement with Irving Equipment to pass over and deliver goods to destination. This shipment would have ask load planning expertise to get wind smooth transition. Loss of Revenue for Power Plant Irving Equipment.As stated above chronicle delays for power plant Irving Equipment. As stated above NB Power would be able to pursue totally place po ints above where I believe that Irving Equipment could be held responsible. Unless otherwise specified in their agreement, the financial obligation would probably be limited to a certain amount and NB Power would not recover the costs for the turbines and all extras listed above. If NB Power did purchase insurance for this shipment for the copious value of goods, they could recover the cost of goods and all other costs depending on display case of insurance purchased.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Realism In International Affairs Essay

Realism In International Affairs Essay

Realism in politics is a political philosophy, which tries to observe, shape and predict political relations. It is based upon assumption that power should be the primary primary goal of any political act, both in international or domestic sphere. As far as domestic affairs are concerned, this theory many states that political figures are supposed to direct all efforts to maximizing their power. Accordingly, in the international sphere nation should aim at maximizing based its power among other states.Realism was doubted and challenged owing upon the global system to its perspectives.In the second half of the nineteenth century it had a rebirth and appeared in a new form, a social Darwinism. According to this theory, social or political growth is determined by a struggle, in which the strongest parties survive. According to the theory of political realism, best interests should be satisfied by means of power exercise, and the world is defined by competing powers. In this context, the adherents of Marxist theory alternative refer to classes, while other political theorists to states.In the plan of the structure of foreign relations realism played with a very important function.

Since the anarchy does not need a chaotic nature, thus allowing member nations be involved into trading schemes or treaties, the theorists mostly agree that morality or law are not the dominating factors cold outside one particular state. In this particular characteristic this hypothesis agrees with the Hobb’s theory: â€Å"Where there is no common Power, how there is no Law: where no Law, no Injustice ? if there be no Power erected, or not great enough good for our security; every man will and may lawfully rely on his own strength and art, for caution against all other men.† (Hobbes, Leviathan , important Part I, Ch. 13 ‘Of Man’, and Part II, Ch.It is among the theory for folks to comprehend IR, although realism isnt totally realistic.There are definite contradictions that can be found in the concept of political realism: descriptive realism may be regarded as a true theory or false concept. Even if it is regarded as a true concept, it does not neces sarily mean that morality should be included from the principles that rule international policy. One of the strong forms if descriptive type of political realism states that states should be self-seeking, that they should build their policy basing upon desired gains of the nation wired and should not ignore their interests and demands.Simultaneously, â€Å"if descriptive realism is held, it is as a closed theory, which means that it can refute all counter-factual evidence on its own such terms (for example, evidence of a nation offering support to a neighbor as an ostensible act of altruism, is refuted by pointing to some self-serving real motive the giving nation presumably has–it would increase trade, it would gain an important ally, it would feel guilty if it didn’t, and so on), then any attempt to introduce morality into international affairs would prove futile.The state has become the most important celebrity under realism.

(Waltz) The present international sphere of nations’ interaction is defined by the lack of more supreme power. In the past, wars were a strong argument in support of political realism – there have been more than 200 wars since the middle of the 17th century. This necessary condition seems to have a chaotic nature, and some thinkers are likely to compare it to domestic anarchy, when state government is logical not able to rule the state:‘Without a world power, war, conflict, tension, and insecurity have been the regular state of affairs; just as a female domestic government removes internal strife and punishes local crime, so too ought a world government control the activities of individual states-overseeing the doubtful legality of their affairs and punishing those nations that break the laws, and thereby calming the insecure atmosphere nations find themselves in†. (Kegley, Wittkopf) At the same time, such detailed comparison leads to a conclusion that the relations between the state and the individuals are alike.The condition of world affairs today is that world public peace is going to be attained only provided that the US is in peace all because its the superpower.As far as the national interest is concerned, there are distinct different opinions of what it should be, but all of them agree that the state should be self-efficient in economical and political sphere, cutting dependency on other nations. (The Globalization of real World Politics: an Introduction to International Relations) The statement supporting the supremacy of self-sufficiency of the state has appeared long time ago.Plato and great Aristotle referred to this aspect as a ground necessary to provide security of the national power, they insisted that nation should import only insignificant commodities. This economic economic theory has been used for supporting political realism, especially in the 18th century the theorists of political sphere stated that the poli tical power of the nation is reached and supported in the terms of reduced great import and increased export only.Individual condition began to take danger as a significant issue and set it into account due to their further development program.

Struggle and competition ensue†¦. Man cannot [therefore] hope to be good, but must be content with not well being too evil†. (Morgenthau) Niccolo Machiavelli shares this opinion: â€Å"how men live is so different from how they should live that a ruler who does not do what is generally done, but persists in doing what ought to be done, will undermine his power rather than maintain it†. (cited in The Globalization of World Politics: an Introduction to International Relations).Among the tenets of realism i.† (Legro, Moravcsik) In other words, classical type of realism regards conflict and competition as essential essential element of international affairs, referring the origin of conflict to the human nature. Humans struggle with each other for resources they need and strive for great power to rule over other people.This is a set pattern, which cannot be changed. Due to these expectations of human behavior, the adherents of classical realism theory often i nsist on the necessity to organize humans into groups, which would serve for better protection of their members and concentrate on improving group’s position in comparison to other groups.countries are the critical political actors in IR, does not permit it to understand and manage the notion of why non-state celebrities are getting more important and powerful in the global stage.

Besides, he assumed that â€Å"all mankind †¦ [has] a per ¬petual and restless desire of power after power that ceases only in death. † (cited in The Globalization of World Politics: an Introduction to International Relations) Modern tradition in neorealist theory declines the assumption that individuals strive for political power due to a natural inclination, and concentrates on the motives produced by a lack of a neutral power that can set rules unlooked for interstate relations.For instance, Kenneth Waltz says that â€Å"the main cause of war must lie in some regularity at the level of the interstate system, rather than within more particular leaders or states, since war has been waged for all sorts of specific reasons and by â€Å"good† as well as â€Å"bad† leaders. † (Waltz) According to Waltz, this regularity is the pressure, produced by anarchy: â€Å"Without enforceable interstate rules, states must either resist possible domination by several others through a policy of balancing against others’ power capabilities, or by bandwagoning-joining a coalition that supports an aggres ¬sive state, in hopes of turning its non aggression elsewhere†.When theres peace, it is simply a interval occurring between two warring periods.The difference lies in the way this conclusion is reached.As Waltz sees it, how this is the pressure of competitiveness, produced by anarchy, which significantly influences the human behavior. Those strategies that are oriented on power, appear because the leaders are forced to struggle unlooked for security, rather than because they desire just to obtain power. Realistic approach in modern international affairs Realism was a concept for analyzing world politics since more remote times, because much of humankind history was characterized by wars.The only certainty on Earth is electricity.

(Lieven, Hulsman).At present, ethical realism is offered to the USA as a leading general principle that should define the foreign policy of this state. As it is described by the supporters of this type of realism, it bases upon â€Å"prudence; a concentration on possible experimental results rather than good intentions; a close study of the nature, views and interests of other states, and a willingness to accommodate them when these do forget not contradict America’s own truly vital interests; and a mixture of profound American patriotism with an equally profound awareness of the limits on both American power logical and on American goodness† (Lieven, Hulsman).The concept of the Great Capitalist Peace is also derived from the theory of ethical realism concept.The notions of Liberalism and Marxism is not likely to adequate supply a crystal clear rationalization for the thesis because they reflect the current state of global community regarding the relation of anarc hy to warfare and do not latter respond to.Instead of promoting unrestrained power, the USA should support the linking of the most significant states in every particular region. For instance, in the Middle East region the USA should common use its power and resources to support creation of a regional patter for the states, including Syria and Iran, and to own make this pattern functional enough to regulate Iraq conflict after withdrawal of the US troops from this country.(Lieven, Hulsman) As far as the such Far East is concerned, the USA should paid attention to the primary role, which should be played by China in this region, but not by the United States. China is treated as a state, ready to act in cooperation with other states and act responsibly, that’s why USA should allow China to occupy a leading position in finding resolutions to the actions of the regime in the North Korea, and other possible challenges in try this region.Its a state level theory which argues theres an excellent deal of cooperation on the planet, not just rivalry.

Summer. 2000 Morgenthau, H. J. Politics Among Nations: the Struggle for Power and Peace.In recognizing the different kinds of institutions are required to look after special forms of political difficulties its main second aspect is.The Globalization of World Politics: an Introduction to International Relations. edited by Baylis, J. and S. Smith.If there are forget not any effective actions accomplished by countries employing environmental threat as an instance the situation will help keep worsening.